Leadership Development Coaching for Businesses
We are certified to deliver leadership and executive coaching programs. Coaching packages include assessment administration and interpretation, feedback, development planning, and individual coaching sessions. Leadership coaching includes the creation and implementation of a development action plan. This cash-based service may be offered at your business location.
- Seven Traits Of Great Business Leaders (forbes.com)
- From Physician to Physician Leader: Developing Your Skills for Success | Executive and Continuing Professional Education | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- 12 Character Traits Exceptional Entrepreneurial Leaders Have In Common
- https://chiefexecutive.net/eight-traits-extraordinary-leaders-have-in-common/
- Why Do So Many Strategies Fail? (hbr.org)
Leadership Development Assessments for Businesses
We are certified to administer and interpret Emotional Intelligence EQI 2.0, Hogan Leadership Profile Series, and several other gold standard tools. Leadership assessment includes exploring how to leverage strengths. It also involves the creation and implementation of a development action plan. This cash-based leadership development offering may be offered at your business location.